Accountants for Startups

If you are a Start-up planning for growth, then you will need accounting services. With us behind you, we like to think you’ll need more of them sooner rather than later. And when you do, they will cost you less.

Building a finance function is different.

Appointing Next Level Business as your accounting service provider will seamlessly meet your needs from the early days of compliance accounting and bookkeeping right the way through to finance functions, valuing businesses for share options, funding needs and all steps in between.

You might want to be planning for sale, you might not. Most of our tech Start-up clients will need to raise finance at some point. Our role is to plan ahead to act earlier than you think you need to.

“Before engaging with the company, we had had a bumpy period. Since engaging, we have recovered our form, and our business has gone from strength to strength, diversifying into other industries outside Formula 1 and improving both our profitability and cash position, as well as implementing plans to save us a small fortune in tax. We are ambitious for our business, and we have found a partner in them to help us achieve our ambition.”

Simon Burchett
Freeform Technology Ltd

Why work with Next Level Business

With all the “done for you” services we provide, all the prep work appears as we go along, Bookkeeping and Payroll is just done. We plug the gap you get with traditional accounting and bring your finance function into real time with budget and cash flow planning.

Spotting trends and making decisions relies on being bang up to date

Start-ups can be rollercoasters

Our expert level supervision gives you peace of mind. Your time and skills can be spent on creating the business and generating value. We have your back.

You need your energy. Avoiding sleepless nights and giving you a sounding board to make all the right decisions, will save time and give you certainty.

Our goal, the outcome we seek, is the growth you are looking for.

We are in the business for growth too.

Accounting for what happened is one thing, knowing what do next is another. Identifying the levers to pull will make all the difference to subscription based businesses in multiple countries and markets. When to save, when to invest, and how to spiral upwards.

Building finance departments in next level businesses is what we do, from entry level CFO to advanced multi currency and finance structures.

You probably shouldn’t feed a whole finance director

An expert finance function like ours with tried and tested systems and reporting doesn’t need much supervision. But when it does, with us, it’s built in, fractionally.

In house teams and Finance Directors for small businesses are inefficient and underutilised. That’s the gap we aim to fill for you.

Our ethos is to blend with your team so much that you can’t tell the difference

When something comes up, as it always does eventually, it goes up the chain. Our ethos is to blend with your team so much that you can’t tell the difference

High Class Cost Effective Finance Function

We hope you can see how an existing operation like ours can absorb your needs without too much flex and deliver services for less than it would cost you to build your own.

With digital and cloud there is absolutely no difference between working with us and and working with in house people. Apart from, we cover all the bases. Specific skills can be shared between multiple operations.

Skills when you need them, and lower costs because you don’t need them all the time.

What makes us

We are your entire finance department—bookkeeping, specialists, software, and processes— at a fraction of the cost of building a dedicated department.

Industry Experts

Our finance and accounting experts are focused on helping you manage growth and reach your goals. Get a dedicated finance function with expertise in your industry.

We Scale

Our finance function and level of support grow with your business needs. Whether just starting out or already international, you’ll find us competitive for the services our clients find invaluable.


Our finance experts offer support from operations to strategy. We bring our experience from large public companies to ambitious, high-potential, high-growth businesses like yours.


We plan for the complexities of internationalisation, fundraising and managing growth. Our consistency brings clarity and speed to decision-making for you.

Tech Provided

Our team designs and operates high-tech finance functions for many growing businesses. Draw on our accumulated experience and achieve best practices and efficiency.