Auto enrolment legislation covers all organisations that employ at least one person, how will this impact your business?
An overview of auto enrolment pensions
All companies who have a payroll scheme will be in scope for the new Auto Enrolment legislation. This includes single director companies also.
Under the Pensions Act 2008, every employer in the UK must put certain staff into a pension scheme and contribute towards it. This is called ‘automatic enrolment’. If you employ at least one person you are an employer and you have certain legal duties.
When does auto enrolment legislation come into force?
Your company will have a date called your ‘staging date’ which is the deadline for you to have a pension scheme in place.
Check your staging date:
What do I need to do, and how do I do it?
Simple. Whether you employ staff is the main consideration, see below for definition. You fall under one of two categories
1) Employ Staff = you need to setup a comparable Auto Enrolment pension scheme (please get in touch with us as we can advise and setup cost effectively)
Get in touch for advise on pension setup. We are able to offer very competitive compliant fixed price pension setups for your company which could save you thousands compared to going to a normal financial advisor or pensions consultant.
2) Don’t Employ Staff = you can ‘opt out’
Questions? No Problem
We are here to support you every step of the way, feel free to book an onboarding check-in call at any point.
Definition of “Staff”
Automatic enrolment duties don’t apply when a company or individual are not considered an employer. You won’t have any duties if you meet one of the following criteria:
- you’re a sole director company, with no other staff
- your company has a number of directors, none of whom has an employment contract, with no other staff
- your company has a number of directors, only one of whom has an employment contract, with no other staff
- your company has ceased trading
- your company has gone into liquidation
- your company has been dissolved
- you no longer employ people in your home (cleaners, nannies, personal care assistants, etc)
Automatic enrolment duties will apply if more than one director has a contract of employment.